Monday, May 20, 2013

The Ördög

The Ördög (known as Urdung in Old Hungarian) is an ancient shapeshifting demon from Hungarian mythology, said to personify the darker aspects of the world. With the introduction of Christianity, the Ördög came to be identified with the Devil himself. The word ordog itself means "devil" in the Hungarian language.

The Ördög is thought to resemble a faun or a satyr, having the upper body of a man, and the lower body of a goat. He has pitch-black hair, pointed ears, bestial features, cloven hooves where his feet should be, ramlike horns on his head, and a pointed tail. Some say that he has an oversized phallus as well. He is said to dwell in Pokol, the Hungarian version of Hell or the underworld. It is in this vile place that he constantly stirs a huge cauldron filled with human souls. The Ördög is cunning, and he is always seeking to collect more souls.

Like the satyr, the Ördög prefers to live in remote forests or rural areas. Most frequently, he is summoned to participate in the sabbats and rituals of witches. He also partakes in the wild orgies and feasts that happen at those times. Any children that are born of this unholy union are known as cambion (the offspring of a demon and a human in medieval legend). Female children will most likely go on to become witches, while the males will probably become Ördög themselves.

When the Ördög wanders about in the human world, he often takes the form of a fox, a dark flame, or a shepherd with sparkling, dark eyes. Here, he makes bets with humans to see if they succumb to corruption. It is likely that those who do succumb end up forfeiting their souls to the Ördög.


Friday, May 17, 2013

Monster Sightings?

Have you seen a monster? Have you experienced strange phenomena or seen a ghost? Would you like to get your story out there without embarassing yourself? If so, please contact me at What did the creature look like, and did it interact with you in a potentially harmful manner? Please give me details on the appearance, the location, the behavior (if any could be observed). You may also send me any strange photos or pictures that you've taken (as long as they're spam and virus-free). With your permission, I'll make your story or encounter the next entry on my blog and add my own thoughts at the end. If you would prefer to remain anonymous, I will omit your real name and come up with something else. We'll work something out. However, be aware that I only accept stories about monsters, encounters with mysterious creatures, or experiences with ghosts and hauntings. I do not deal with "alien abductions" or anything of that nature. No hoaxes or fictional stories, either. All manner of monsters, cryptids, entities, demons, and weird creatures are acceptable. But I may not get back to you right away. However, when I do, it is considered to be courteous to respond to my email. I await your emails with anticipation.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Click Clack

In America's folklore, there lurks a creature that has no body below the waist, and each of its fingers is tipped with very long and very sharp fingernails. This creature is known as Click Clack, or Click Clack Slide. Its name is based on the sound that this hideous monster makes, using its arms and long, talonlike fingernails to drag itself along the ground. It is always searching for more victims, which it will disembowel with its nails (although killing the victim in other ways isn't out of the question).

It is unknown if Click Clack is merely a restless spirit of the dead or is in fact a revenant of some kind. On one hand, the creature seems to possess a corporeal body, as it actually has to drag itself along the ground to move. Furthermore, Click Clack slashes its victims to death with its nails. This is strongly indicative of a link to the physical world. On the other hand, however, this monster may have some connection to the spirit world in that the creature is said to move much faster than its method of locomotion would suggest. A ghost would be unhindered by any sort of physical handicap, but this creature seems to be. All of the evidence suggests that Click Clack is indeed a revenant, a corpse that has returned from the grave under demonic possession or the body's own restless soul.

Click Clack is described as being the hideous upper torso of a woman's corpse. As one travels further south into Georgia and other southern states, they will find that Click Clack is said to be a man. It is possible that this vile thing leaves a trail of offal and blood as it moves. It is also said that, as mentioned previously, the creature's fingers are tipped with extremely long and clawlike fingernails, with each being a foot or more in length. These nails seem to be very durable in spite of their length, and are easily capable of slicing through human flesh. The monster uses these to move its body along the hard ground, so they have to be strong to take abuse without breaking (God forbid that this creature gets a hangnail).

There are many different variations of the Click Clack legend. What has proved to be the most enduring and popular of the stories involves a woman and her children. They are all driving along, when her car stalls on the railroad tracks. Then, they are struck by a train. When the emergency units and the police finally arrived, they found the mangled remains of the children. However, they only found the woman's lower body (her legs) and were never able to locate her torso. From that night onwards, people began disappearing in that particular area, leaving the local people to conclude that the woman's vengeful spirit now roams the roads and backroads of the area. She will kill any living person that she comes across on the roads by slashing them into pieces with her extremely long fingernails as revenge for killing her children and herself.

Further south, the legend changes. The people believe that Click Clack isn't a spirit of the dead at all, but is actually a male war veteran who lost his legs during combat. The horrors of war changed the man, driving him to insanity. Now psychotic and deranged, he ventures out at night and kills anyone that he should happen across by ripping open their stomachs with his long fingernails, spilling their bowels onto the earth.

Two different stories, two different creatures. One supernatural, the other mostly human. However, both of these night terrors share the same modus operandi, the same motivation and behavior. The only way for a man to know which one he is hunting is to see the entity for himself.

The legends of Click Clack do not speak of any weaknesses or vulnerabilities that may be exploited. Therefore, assumptions must be made. Dealing with the undead Click Clack will be difficult. The working theory is that this creature is a revenant, but it may also be a ghost. It is best to be prepared for anything. Revenants have certain vulnerabilities. Excision of the heart, decapitation, and completely burning the body are known and very effective ways of killing any reanimated corpse. Burying the creature's ashes in consecrated ground will hopefully prevent any possibility of resurrection.

But what if the creature is a ghost? There are ways of dealing with angry spirits as well. Pure salt (that is, without any additives like iodide and such) or pure sea salt may keep the spirit at bay, as will the presence of iron. Keeping an object made of cold-forged wrought iron on one's person may keep Click Clack from attacking. It may be possible to harm this evil spirit with a iron blade. However, this is based purely on speculation, and shouldn't be tested until the creature's true nature is confirmed.

Another method of permanently ridding oneself of a ghost is to find where the body is buried and unearth it. If the entity is a ghost, both halves of the body should be salted and burned completely. However, if the legs can't be found, then one could try following the creature back to its lair and burning the creature then. One could also try an exorcism or giving the spirit a decent burial. It doesn't hurt to try again if another disposal method fails.

The psychotic war veteran is rather easily dealt with. Because he is still human, he can be killed by firearms and cold sharpened steel. However, the body must be burnt to cinders to prevent the man's tormented spirit from haunting the area. It may be necessary to bury whatever remains of the burnt corpse in consecrated ground, like a churchyard or a cemetery. In the end, one may just turn him over to the police for justice. That's probably the safer alternative.


Scary for Kids: Click Clack

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

The Loango

The Loango is a type of shapeshifting undead bat creature (a revenant) from the folklore and legends of the Ashanti and the Asanbosam peoples of Africa. This creature is created when a sorcerer or a practitioner of black magic dies, and is similar in some ways to the Vampire of European folklore.
The Loango’s attacks are closely linked to the waxing and waning phases of the moon, from which it derives its power. With the waxing of the moon, the creature’s power increases. On nights of the full moon, the monster’s physical strength increases to the point where it has ten times the strength of a grown man. On moonless nights, the Loango has no power at all and prefers to sleep in its coffin until the moon once again shines down upon the earth. One might think that the creature’s strength would be affected by the moon being obscured by clouds, but vampire expert Theresa Bane says otherwise. According to her professional opinion, cloud cover makes no difference at all.
During the day, the Loango lies in a coffin within the relative safety of it’s grave with its eyes wide open. By night, the creature takes the form of a bat and flies off into the night to feed. Ashanti mythology never quite mentions what the Loango feeds on, but there are clues that say that the monster feeds on what the Ashanti value the most socially. Exactly what that something is varies from tribe to tribe. For example, in one tribe it may be goats. In others, it may be the most beautiful child in one of the local families. However, it may be simple in that the Loango may simply feed on the warm flesh and blood of any human that it encounters.
It is unknown as to whether the Loango’s shapeshifting abilities extend to taking any other animal forms, or even if the monster can still use the same type of black magic that it commanded during its lifetime. Given the Loango’s shapeshifting abilities, this seems likely (assuming that it was practicing magic that gave the practitioner those abilities in the first place). On the other hand, however, one must look at the nature of the magic that the Ashanti use. Just as likely is the fact that the Loango may not be able to use its magic as a revenant may be due to the belief that one must be a living being (in other words, one must have a soul) in order to use this magic. The shapeshifting abilities might just be one of this particular Vampire’s natural abilities. But regardless of whether or not this monster is able to command the forces of magic, it pays to stay inside on moonlit nights.


I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank Theresa Bane for helping to clarify and expand on the information found in this particular entry. Thanks, Theresa!!
Bane, Theresa. Actual Factual Dracula: A Compendium of Vampires. Randleman, NC: NeDeo Press. Copyright ©2007 by Theresa Bane.
Haining, Peter. A Dictionary of Vampires. London, England: Robert Hale Limited. Copyright ©Peter Haining 2000.