Thursday, April 5, 2012

What Does the Sasquatch Eat?

What does the Sasquatch eat? The forest environment of the Pacific Northwest provides the beast with an incredible variety of rich food sources.
Fish and Other Seafood
The coasts of the Pacific Northwest are obviously great sources of food for a large primate or a hominid, and would include salmon, trout, mussels, clams, minnows, crayfish, and shrimp.

As most people know, the Pacific Northwest is covered very heavily in temperate rainforests and woodlands. Such environments would be teeming with insect life. This includes crickets, spiders, grasshoppers, potato bugs, earthworms, leeches, moths, slugs and snails, butterflies, caterpillars, termites, angleworms, grubs, maggots, ants, larvae, bees, wasps, and beetles.

Rodents and Other Small Mammals
The forests of the Pacific Northwest are filled with a number of small mammals. While such meals would be undoubtedly difficult to catch, it remains a viable option for a hungry Sasquatch. This would include gophers, pikas, rabbits, mice, moles, woodchucks, marmots, squirrels, and rats.

Red Meat and Wild Game
Most hunters would agree that the dense, wet forests of the Pacific Northwest are a hunter's dream come true. A variety of wild (and domesticated) game would be available to a Sasquatch with a taste for red meat. Such fare includes deer, sheep, goats, domesticated dogs and cats, foxes, moose, elk, bear cubs, mountain lion cubs, and wolf pups.

Fruits, Plants, and Vegetables 
The wet conditions of the Pacific Northwest are ideal for a multitude of plants, fruits, and vegetables to grow. This includes wild cherries, blueberries, red and blue huckleberries, tomatoes, salal berries, Oregon grapes, peaches, apples, manzanita fruit, boysenberries, blackberries, spruce tips, grasses, rose hips, hemlock tips, ferns, leaves, roots and tubers, water plants, bark, shoots, mushrooms, cauliflower, fungus, licorice ferns, wild rice, white chanterelles, young saplings, corn, turnips, wild onions, lima beans, sweet grass, and pinecones

Birds and White Meat
An abundance of wild fowl and pigs are to be found in the Pacific Northwest, and that includes chickens, geese, ducks, jays, Canadian honkers, woodpeckers, eggs, wild boar, and stolen pigs.

Other Foods
When the Sasquatch falls on hard times, it can still find food in the wet forests of the Pacific Northwest. This also means that it would be forced to consume some rather unorthodox foodstuffs. These foods include acorns and various nuts; frogs, toads, tadpoles, and various amphibians; snakes, lizards, and other reptiles; feces, tree sap, honey and, at times, human children (although this is a very rare occurrence in and of itself).


Blackman, W. Haden. The Field Guide to North American Monsters: Everything You Need To Know About Encountering Over 100 Terrifying Creatures In The Wild. New York: Three Rivers Press. Copyright ©1998 by W. Haden Blackman.

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